Innovative work-life balance tools to promote equality of men and women (WLB)

Innovative work-life balance tools to promote equality of men and women (WLB)


European Union foresees the promotion of equality between men and women as a task of their members, but the statistics shows a slow progress. The project responds to this situation connected with social inclusion and employment.
Project “Innovative work-life balance tools to promote equality of men and women” supports and tries to solve equality of women and men by creating innovative outputs focused on implementation of work-life balance into companies. Four partner organizations will participate in this project, the Czech Republic (AOA CR), the Slovak Republic (AIVD SR), Greece (DAFNI KENTRO EPAGGELMATIKIS KATARTISIS) and Portugal (EPATV). Chosen organizations have extensive experience with European projects and they deal with equal treatment problem solving in the area of research and by training activities.
Examples of best practice will be intermediated in the form of video-interviews with 16 HR managers who use WLB tools in their companies effectively.
In the second part of the project, partner organizations will create WLB Blended Learning tools – e-learning platform of Work-Life Balance Implementation in Companies and a Manual for Trainers of Work-Life Balance Implementation intended for trainers/tutors/consultants who will lead WLB Blended Learning with the aim to implement WLB tools into companies. WLB Blended Learning tools will be translated into Czech, Slovak, Portuguese, Greek and English to involve wider audience and target groups in most European countries. The innovative educational system will play an essential role in answering present and future demands of the gender equality education and support of employment and work-life balance in Europe.
Trainers/tutors/consultants will attend a short-term joined staff training event to strengthen their lecturing skills and be trained for leading WLB Blended Learning which will be designed for HR managers, company management, company trainers, employees and other attendees who are responsible for implementation of WLB tools into companies. In WLB Blended Learning HR managers and company trainers will be trained. In Pilot Implementation activity there will also be students involved, from whose ranks there will future HR specialists be recruited. They will have an important role in sustaining interest and changing attitudes in future generations in Europe in the context of gender issues. Project results will then be sufficiently verified and evaluated.
Project outputs will be disseminated at four conferences, through e-mailing to members and cooperating organizations and media (Facebook, Linkedln, EPALE, the Internet, etc.). These effective disseminations will take place on the local, regional, national and EU levels. Sustainability of the project is given firstly by the chosen form of modern technologies and secondly by project objectives which support social inclusion and employability of persons endangered at labour market. The project responds to present need of European society to sustain balance between work and family lives. The interest and promotion of gender equality education is connected with gender strategical documents and will help to overcome significant challenges in Europe so it will still be up-to-date topic for target groups, stakeholders and European society generally.


Interviews with businesses concerning Work-Life Balance activities



Czech Republic




Available soon


Project pages/media

Online course (Available soon)





Project details

Title: Innovative work-life balance tools to promote equality of men and women

Reference Number: 2019-1-CZ01-KA204-061180

Implementation period: 01-12-2019 to 30-11-2021

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