MUPYME Project

Employment and women on the 21st century in Europe: From household economy to the economy of SMEs (Small and medium-sized enterprises)
Project No: 2015-1-ES01-KA204-015937


(for more visit the Erasmus+ Project Results platform)


What is MUPYME project?

The project MUPYME attempts at raising awareness about the abilities of housewives that can be transferred to enterprises economy and finding out which is the best way to enhance them. This project tries to take int account the social reality of this collective in a wide range of countries, to share the best practices regarding working promotion and to purpose common solutions applicable to these realities.

For the deliverables visit the website:



The general objectives of MUPYME are:

(1) facilitating that housewives can move from being managers of households to be managers or promoters of new SMEs or Micro SMEs, building a professional qualification for this collective, focused on reflection and knowledge of their own abilities and capacities, reinforced and maximised with an entrepreneurial approach


(2) raising the qualification of instructors of the different organisms in charge of training adults, generating a training program adapted to the target collective having a greater impact on the possibilities of getting incorporated into the labor world and focused on personal motivation and on the enhancement of competences.


Desired Results

The results of MUPYME will be:

1. Characterization of housework under professiographic profile and recognition of skills developed at home.

2. Analysis of the skills acquired at home, and previously acquired, with option to be provided with an entrepreneurial approach.

3. Generation of a training strategy tailored to the target group.

4. Generation of dissemination materials adapted to new technologies.

5. Offering a training model aimed at facilitating the incorporation of women into the workplace and promoting entrepreneurship.




In a few words

The project MUPYME, apart from raising awareness about the need for customized training and using new technologies that make training more friendly and flexible, it also has direct benefit in generating employment and social inclusion of disadvantaged groups.

At the same time, the methodologies and instructional materials generated in the project may be fed back while being taught in different schools, improving if possible and adjusting everything to the target group. MUPYME will generate alive and useful resources intended to be permanent in time.


Project partners

In the project there are partners from Portugal, Germany, Italy, Cyprus, Greece, F.Y.R.O. Macedonia and Spain.

Coordinator of the project is  Spanish Federation of Popular Universities (Federación Española de Universidades Populares – FEUP) located in Madrid, Spain


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